Major article on the NT view of “prophecy” with a special emphasis on 1 Corinthians 14.

1. NT prophecy has less authority than Scripture.
2. Testing prophecies.
3. The situation in Corinth.
4. Not “the words of God” for today.
5. Benefits of prophecy.
6. Only until the Lord comes.
7. A cautious approach necessary.
a. The gift should be allowed today.
b. An emphasis on the Bible is even more important.

Used 10/28/90:

b) Prophecy reached outsiders, convicted them of sin. 14:24-25

Example in a Baptist church:

A missionary speaker paused in the middle of his message.

“I didn’t plan to say this, but it seems the Lord is indicating that someone in this church has just walked out on his wife and family. If that is so, let me tell you that God wants you to return to them and learn to follow God’s pattern for family life.”

The missionary did not know it, but in the unlit balcony sat a man who had entered the church for the first time just moments before. The description fit him exactly, and he made himself known, acknowledged his sin, and began to seek after God.