Questions People Ask sermon series 1 Corinthians 1:11-17


I. Our baptism tank is full this morning…

II. Baptism can be a divisive issue.

III. What is required for salvation.
A. Believe on the Lord Jesus.
B. Baptism not required for salvation.
C. Should we ask for more?

IV. What happens at baptism.
A. Difference between sacrament and ordinance.
B. It’s more than a rite of passage.
C. Maybe we need to be more serious about conversion.

V. The power of baptism.
A. It’s a witness to other believers, and to community.
B. It’s a witness to ourselves.

VI. What baptism doesn’t do for you.
A. Bible stresses that the water itself has no magical power.
B. It doesn’t make you a perfect Christian.

VII. What do YOU need to do?