On a cold January night at 1:00 a.m., one very tired Mom heard a cough.

“I bolted from my sleep to a standing, running position, with one leap made it to the bathroom, flipped on the light to find my 6-year-old daughter sitting on the edge of the tub. Stuff from her tummy was all over the floor, the lid of the toilet and all over herself. I proceeded to clean the floor and surrounding areas, then placed Sarah into the tub to wash down.

“As I turned on the shower, Sarah said, “Mom!” with a wrinkled nose and hesitant voice, “I threw up on Collette too!” Collette is her 9-year-old sister who happens to share the bed. I closed the curtain and ran to see. I met Collette in the hallway and she said that Sarah had thrown up on her.

“I turned on the bedroom light and much to my amazement was the dreaded sight of Sarah’s dinner on 5 blankets, 2 pillows, 2 sheets, a baby blanket and Collette’s pajamas. I bundled it all onto the bottom sheet and placed it at the back door. I put fresh bedding on the bed and placed a bucket beside Sarah. I crawled back in my own bed at which time my well-covered, half-asleep husband inquired, ‘WHAT’S WRONG?'”!


Original says “In January, of 1992, at 1:00 a.m.,”