What’s To Be Happy About?

Sermon in Philippians series. Purpose in life. Philippians 1:1-6


I. Introduction to series on Philippians.
A. Paul in prison.
B. Writes to young church in Greece.
C. Focus is on Jesus.

II. A heartfelt prayer.
A. Almost all of Paul’s letters begin with a prayer.
B. He has wonderful ____________ of their church. Acts 16:14,34
C. Joy is his predominant feeling.

III. Side by side.
A. Paul was happy because Christianity did not depend on him alone.
B. Two primary meanings: _____________ and _____________.

IV. Confidence in the future.
A. Paul sees God at work in their lives.
B. The end product is someone who perfectly reflects Jesus.
C. We can be confident – but not dogmatic.

V. What is the guiding purpose of YOUR life?

