Waking To A World Upside Down


A few hundred years ago, bed mattresses in America used to be filled with a stuffing of corn husks. Each year it was the children’s job to refill the family’s bed mattresses. They had to be very careful to use the right amount of husks for each bed. If the children were careless or hurried, they might run out of husks before they got to their own mattresses. Then they would have to fill their own mattresses with straw or other inferior materials. This would often leave their mattresses lumpy. From this practice comes the saying: “You made your bed, so lie in it.” (3)

It’s an old expression, but most of us probably subscribe to it. “You made your bed… “ Christians will never be comfortable in a society that says sex outside marriage is fine as long as you use a condom. Christians will never be comfortable in a society that says if you get pregnant, that’s all right, too. Just get an abortion. Or a society where single parenting is “in.”


3. Mary Blair Dunton, “Hands-On History: Harvest Festivals,” AMERICANA, Aug. 1992, p. 22.