[Hold] on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. –1 Timothy 1:19

Sebastian Junger’s book The Perfect Storm tells the gripping story of deep-sea fishermen caught in monstrous seas. Billy Tyne captains the Andrea Gail, a swordfish boat making a risky late-season foray into the unforgiving Atlantic. They have a hatch full of fish, a failing ice machine that threatens to spoil the catch, and a crew bent on getting home–circumstances that combine with three converging, howling storms to spawn a disaster.

The Andrea Gail’s problems were compounded by an ever-narrowing set of choices. Deceptively calm weather lured the veteran captain into a gathering gale. By the time he realized he was sailing into the heart of the Perfect Storm, he was out of options.

Life can be more vicious than the nastiest nor’easter or Gulf Coast hurricane. While we’re young, it seems we have an inexhaustible set of options. We can play, work, and watch stupid TV shows. We can squander our money and still get fed. We can choose a bad set of friends, acquire destructive habits, and take the easy way out every time. But eventually we’ll find our options narrowing. And somewhere out there, ominous weather patterns are forming, which will soon test our integrity and batter our beliefs, for we’ll be on our own.

The story of Samson shows us the result of making all the wrong choices. You can read his entire story in four brief chapters (Judges 13-16). Because of his supernatural strength, Samson thought he was invincible, so he ignored God. He willfully violated every vow he had taken and brought disgrace to his family. But Samson’s bad choices led him into the hands of the enemy. It cost him his eyes, his dignity, his freedom, his magnificent strength, and his life. What a pathetic end!

What’s ironic is that Samson, for all his gross foolishness, is still held up as a hero of the faith who “administered justice, and gained what was promised” (Hebrews 11:32-33). That’s God’s incredible grace! Still, no one wants to become a tragic hero like Samson.

Perhaps you’re struggling with a disturbing pattern of bad, or merely less than good, choices. Don’t lose heart. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you can do the right thing, starting right now. Before the storm hits, learn now to rely on the One who gives us perfect peace. –TG

• What primary principle governs my decisions? Maximum fun? Materialism? Power? Or serving God?
• Do I squander my time, or invest it in a God-centered future?

Wise choices now bring good results later.