Ten Statements About the Ministry

While doing my research for this book, I came across a fine, practical volume by a father-son team in ministry, Warren and David Wiersbe. They have given it an appropriate title, Making Sense of the Ministry. Within those pages are insightful comments that everyone engaged in ministry should read. I am indebted to the Wiersbes for the following list, which I have committed to memory. I even suggested that our congregation in Fullerton do the same.

What we have here are ten statements about the ministry that are essential yet easily forgotten; and when they are, things get out of whack. Read them slowly and carefully. Think of them as “Handle with Care” signs.

1. The foundation of ministry is character.

2. The nature of ministry is service.

3. The motive for ministry is love.

4. The measure of ministry is sacrifice.

5. The authority of ministry is submission.

6. The purpose of ministry is the glory of God.

7. The tools of ministry are the Word of God and prayer.

8. The privilege of ministry is growth.

9. The power of ministry is the Holy Spirit.

10. The model for ministry is Jesus Christ.


Chuck Swindoll. Rise and Shine. Portland: Multnoma, 1989. Submitted by Craig Watters, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Louisville, Colorado