Some Pointers For Personal Evangelism Among Educated Hindus

Friendship evangelism is easy to initiate with Hindus because they esteem religion. To build a positive witness and break down understandings, follow these principles:

1. Don’t criticize or condemn Hinduism.
2. Do not argue or debate on points where we must disagree. Focus on Jesus.
3. Don’t suggest that a separation from family or culture is necessary to
become a Christian.
4. Avoid all hints of triumphalism and pride.
5. Do not speak quickly on hell, or Jesus as only way of salvation.
Let them come to their own conclusions.
6. Never hurry. Pushing for a decision does great harm.
7. Do not force Christian ideas into passages of Hindu scripture.
8. There must be no sectarian Christian appeal.
9. There must be no pretense or pretending.

Positive principles in evangelizing Hindus:

1. Work into your life the traditional Hindu (and biblical) values of
simplicity, renunciation, spirituality, and humility.
2. Empathize with Hindus.
3. Know Hinduism and each individual Hindu.
4. Be quick to acknowledge failure.
5. Center on Christ.
6. Be quick to acknowledge mystery and lack of full understanding.
7. Share your testimony.
8. Lead in prayer and worship together with your Hindu friend.