Sermon: The Mighty Have Fallen

Sermon for Memorial Sunday. 2 Samuel 1:19-25


I. The Civil War’s last shot.
A. The casualties are still mounting.
B. Memorial Day is not what it used to be.
C. Why honor the dead?

II. Honoring the war dead.
A. David honors the warriors Saul and Jonathan. 2 Sam 1
B. Churches also honor the war dead.
C. There is a tension.

III. Soldiers aren’t the only ones who have made sacrifices for us.
A. We owe a debt to our ancestors.
B. Contemplate their lives.
C. What will you be remembered for?

IV. Honoring the death of Christ.
A. Jesus tells us to remember his death.
B. Jesus died for us.
C. Can we do likewise?

V. Graves are not the end of the story.