Rich Wisdom: New Testament Teachings On Wealth

Series of important articles on New Testament and money.


Hard Sayings of Jesus. [see below…]
Investing in What Lasts.
Enjoying Creation – Within Limits
Called to Share
The Christian Ideal


Hard Sayings of Jesus:

1) Are Christians any different than non-believers?
a) Jesus has radical views on money.
b) Christians spend pretty much like everyone else.

3) Hard sayings of Jesus. [CT, 5/12/89, p.28]
a) Harder for rich than camel through needle’s eye. Mt 19:16-30
b) Give up all to be my disciple. Luke 14:25-33
1> Not just willingness, but abandonment.
c) Treasure and heart, God vs. Mammon.

4) Balancing statements.
a) Rich believers in NT. Lk 19:1-10
b) Command to carry purses. Lk 22:35-36

5) Wealth creates a false sense of security.
a) We cannot avoid a continual tension.

“The Cross covers precisely the distance, for each of us, between what we
attain and what God demands – between our striving and our arriving.”

b) How much to give away? More.