Comedian Dick Gregory tells the story about his young life, “I made enough money shining shoes and carrying papers that I could go into the neighborhood bar and buy myself a hamburger, a coke, and a piece of chocolate cake. What a joy!”

But, while he was there, an old wino struggled in and bought twenty-six cents worth of food. After he had consumed it, he told the owner that he had no money. The owner picked up a bottle from the counter and slashed the man across the head. He fell to the floor bleeding. The owner proceeded to kick him until at last Gregory said, “Stop it! Stop it! I’ll pay for it!”

The old man looked up through bloodied lips and said bitterly, “Don’t bother now, sonny; I’ve already paid for it.” As he staggered out the door, he turned to Gregory and said, “Thanks, sonny, but don’t you understand it’s too late now. Why didn’t you pay for it before?”