Aptly described as a “cross between Britney Spears and Thor,” Collette Nelson is a champion, female body builder. With bulging biceps, chiseled abs, thunderous thighs, and perfect pecs — all shimmering with contour-enhancing oils and the orange glow of that notoriously fake, spray-on tan that has become the trademark of the sport — she is the epitome of the ideal female physique (at least in the world of female body building).

Even if you don’t appreciate the aesthetics of her iron woman physique, you can certainly appreciate her commitment to ultimate fitness, right? I mean, what could be healthier or more ideal than a person pumped up to their prime?

Well, it seems that all is not as ideal as it appears.

“You’re the most unhealthy the day of a show,” says Collette. “You’re dehydrated. You’ve eaten limited food. You’ve been over-trained. You’re taking some type of diuretic, whether it be natural or not. That day of the show, I’ve gotta tell you, you look like perfection, but inside you’re just, you’re barely hangin’ on.”

Isn’t it true that we are our most unhealthy at those times when we’re trying hardest to impress others?

When we look to others for the approval we should be seeking from God, we become spiritually dehydrated and malnourished. We may look like perfection on the outside, but inside we’re just barely hanging on. As Collette put it, “You’re the most unhealthy the day of a show!”


Source: An interview with Collette Nelson, by Bryant Gumbel, REAL SPORTS, July 22, 2010