I believe in Jesus. Growing up, every Sunday without exception, my family went to church. However, until one spring day in April, I never understood the point of attending. I was sitting in my family’s usual pew, paying attention as hard as any 7-year-old can, when I unexpectedly comprehended everything my pastor said. The message finally made sense to me. Jesus died so that I could live. He lived a perfect life and died sinless, so that I could spend eternity with him. The realization was amazing! Jesus sacrificed everything for me! I suddenly felt the urge to rise from my seat and go pray. Quietly, I snuck out of the room and had my first real conversation with God. I knew I was a sinner, but Jesus loved me enough to die for me. For him to live in my heart forever, all I had to do was ask for forgiveness. After praying to receive his gift of eternal life, I was overjoyed! I rushed back into the sanctuary and told my parents about my decision. After church, my family and I talked to my pastor and I was baptized the following week.

Since that milestone in my life, I have struggled with always living a Christian life, yet I am certain that my soul will go to Heaven when I die. By placing my life in God’s hands, I have faith that he will take care of me and lead me along his path of righteousness. As Jeremiah 29:11 says, God is in control, he has “plans to prosper [me] and not to harm [me], plans to give [me] hope and a future.” He has plans for your life too. Regardless of any sin you have committed or any sin you will commit in the future, he loves you. He, the creator of the universe, sent His one and only Son to die so that you may spend eternity with him. You just have to ask for His gift. Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior, to live in your heart and be the steering wheel behind your life. It was the best decision I have ever made, and I hope someday you make the same choice. God Bless.