He Turned Down The Kickback

In one of the States the Legislature had appointed one of their number to purchase the furniture for a large college. This member found two places where he could obtain the same furniture, yet one of them charged nearly a thousand dollars more than the other, but would give this extra amount to the purchaser. This member concluded to give the extra price, and enrich himself that amount. He had not yet removed the furniture.

One Sabbath he attended our meeting. The sermon was on the “unpardonable sin.” I showed, as clearly as I could, “What that sin is;” “What persons can commit it;” “How it shows itself after it has been committed,” and “Why it cannot be forgiven.” In the light of this sermon this man saw his peril, and returned to his room. The next day he told in the public assembly he had fought the enemy all night, but had gained the victory. He then stated the particulars of this purchase, and that he should not accept the extra amount, nor remove the furniture with any extra cost to the State.

Well may the apostle say, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.”

What a mighty instrument is God’s Word, accompanied by the Spirit! What but the Word and Spirit could have produced this effect on this man!


A. B. Earle, From: “Incidents Used … In His Meetings,” published in 1888