God Shouldn’t Bless Them With A Job

In a forum on Yahoo.com that focuses on questions Christians have, one person called their post, “Why hasn’t God blessed me with a job?” After describing their failed attempts at job interviews, the person says this:
“I’m a born again Christian (in which I’m getting SICK of giving money away but yet, I’m not getting anything in return). Even when I was reading my bible everyday, going to church and living a Godly life and tithing, praying for employment, fasting. But I’m still without a job. I’m getting sick of it.

“I’m getting sick of being told “Tithe and you’ll get a job” well, that [expletive with a strategic asterisk in the middle] don’t work. I’m sick of going to church and my pastor begging for money. Especially when people don’t have any. I’m just sick of everything Christian.

“I don’t know if I’m getting frustrated or what. But sometimes I feel like cursing… and saying [another, harsher, expletive] you know who.” [1]
It is obvious that this unfortunate person was caught up in a religious system that made Christianity a “tit for tat” exchange – give to God (in other words, this church) and He will prosper you. It wasn’t working for the person. It is also obvious underneath the surface they are fairly carnal in their attitudes. They are willing to use God selfishly to get what they really want which is material gain.

The Bible contains many passages that show God’s concern for our material needs. However, each of us has a far deeper need. As Jesus says in Luke 12:29-31 –
Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

1. < https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140308212821AANdfra >