Sandra Milholland writes in Upreach magazine:

“Ladies, beware of those ‘coffee klatches’ with the girls in the neighborhood or on your coffee break at work. I have noticed that husbands often get skewered, cooked, and eaten at those gatherings … and a ten o’clock gab session in the morning can have a subtle but powerful impact on how a wife will treat her husband in the evening. Sue complains about her husband. Gretchen complains about hers and others join in with similar complaints. Agreeing that ‘men are all alike,’ everyone feeds on everyone else’s grievances.

“I would like to challenge us to break that truly vicious cycle. Begin by spending time thinking warm thoughts about your husband, and the next time your friends want to play ‘Ain’t Hubby Awful,’ let your responses be only positive ones. Build him up in the eyes of others.….

“Guys, I’m talking to you too. When other men complain about their ‘little missus,’ march to the beat of a different drummer and praise your woman. After all, she did have the good sense to marry you, didn’t she?”