Do-it-yourself Gall Bladder Surgery

In 1994 English newspapers reported the bizarre story of a 63-year-old man who needed gall bladder surgery. The only problem was that he had an intense fear of doctors and hospitals. He was never able to overcome this phobia and decided to take matters into his own hands. The man attempted surgery on himself. Tragically his self-surgery resulted in an infection which led to the man’s death soon thereafter. The coroner said, “Unfortunately, [his] drastic remedy went wrong. A simple operation would have solved the problem.”

Therein is the problem of a lack of trust. We tend to take matters into our own hands. In the world of human relationships we can often get by with this attitude and approach. But when it comes to spiritual matters and issues involving eternity, trust is crucial. Without trust we destroy ourselves by our own hand. Absolute trust in God is essential in successfully navigating this life and entrance into the one to come.