The legendary comedian Milton Berle defined a committee as a group of people who “keep minutes and waste hours.”

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========================================== (Daily Devotions News) by Ron Newhouse, Feb. 7, 2000:

The city of Miami established a municipal beautification committee and appointed twenty-five members to it. But word got around, and soon everyone wanted to belong to that committee. Request after request was granted until 131 citizens were appointed. When the committee had its first meeting, only nineteen members showed up.

They wanted to belong to the committee but they did not want to do the work. And something like that can happen in the church and with us, unless we recognize God’s free gift of grace, and then respond to grace with action. God badly needs our help to solve the problems of the world. Will you help?

“So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead,” James 2:17.