Many have seen bumper stickers with pro-life messages – these help to educate and perhaps help some to choose life instead of abortion.

This summer (1993), a baby was saved with the aid of a bumper sticker when a young couple on a motorcycle stopped a motorist to ask for directions to a certain “hospital.” The driver of the car quickly realized that the couple was headed for a local abortion center.

The pro-life driver prayed with the young couple and persuaded them to reconsider. He and his companion offered them any assistance, and were able to loan them an urgently-needed $300.00. They exchanged phone numbers and the young couple promised to return the money.

Several weeks later the pro-lifers were contacted by the girl’s father, who returned the loan with gratitude that the life of his grandchild had been spared.

After serious difficulties, the family, including the preborn baby’s father, was able to reconcile and build a new relationship. Our pro-life motorists will be witnessing the christening of the child.

Ironically, the bumper sticker that helped save the child’s life was not a pro-life bumper sticker, but a Harley-Davidson motorcycle bumper sticker! This sticker attracted the attention of the motorcyclists when they needed directions. The child’s life was saved indirectly through the spirit of brotherhood that exists between bikers.

Pro-life bumper stickers are not the only stickers that help save lives!