Beyond Forgiveness?

Sermon on the Unforgivable Sin. Mark 3:28-30


I. Knowing you are doomed.

II. Old Testament background of blasphemy.
A. Blasphemy is serious stuff. Lev 24:11,15; 1 Cor 10:5-13
B. There are degrees of sin in Bible. Numbers 15:22-29, 30-31

III. New Testament considered it just as serious.
A. Jesus himself was accused of blasphemy at his trial.
B. Jesus on blasphemy against Spirit.
C. Sin that leads to death. 1 John 5:16

IV. Being beyond forgiveness.
A. Topic has caused great anxiety.
B. Settled condition of the soul, not isolated act.
C. Genuine Christians cannot commit unpardonable sin.

V. You could be committing it right now.
A. Outright rejection of God.
B. Living life without recognition of God’s presence and power.