Are You Ready To Visit With A Jehovah’s Witness?

To prepare for when a Jehovah’s Witness comes knocking on your door:

1. Build a clear understanding of your faith and the Bible.

2. Acquire a basic knowledge of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs and practices.

3. Make a definite plan for the witnessing encounter and take the initiative.

4. Initially, talk about personal concerns to establish a friendly, courteous and sincere relationship with the Jehovah’s Witness. Gradually move on to a discussion of theological issues.

5. Be prepared to cite and explain specific biblical passages supporting Christian doctrines.

6. Define your terms clearly and ask the Jehovah’s Witness to do so also.

7. Focus the discussion on the primary issue of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Stress the need for a personal relationship with Him.

8. Share your personal testimony of God’s grace and your faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

9. Present the basic plan of salvation and encourage the Jehovah’s Witness to make a decision.


Adapted from “In the Name of Jehovah,” a new resource from the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board, available at 1-866-407-6262.