A Christmas To Remember

An angel of God spoke to Joseph through a dream. Scientists who have studied brain patterns of people sleeping report an “internal storm” of activity when a person is having a dream. There are many books available today that offer interpretations of dreams. Dr. John Priest helps us understand the difference between many of the dreams interpreted today and the dreams recorded in the Bible. “The present preoccupation with dreams is inwardly oriented; what does the dream reveal about my existence? The Biblical view of the dream is quite otherwise.”(1)

Instead of focusing on our own needs and aspirations, dreams in the Bible revealed God’s will or plan for that individual. In studying over 80,000 dreams Carl Jung has discovered that many dreams reflect a “process of spiritual growth.” God speaks to us in many ways. One way is through our dreams.


1. John F. Priest, “Myth and Dream in Hebrew Scripture,” MYTHS, DREAMS, AND RELIGION, Joseph Campbell (ed), (Dallas: Spring Publications, Inc., 1988), p. 59.