Sermon in Family series. Respect and authority between generations.


I. Rebellion is in our character.
A. American Revolution.
B. Rebellion in the home.
C. Conflict between the generations.
D. Rebellion may seem to be inevitable, but it is not.

II. Biblical style of relationships.
A. Adults exercise authority. 1 Cor 11:3
B. Children respect their elders. Deut 21:18-21
C. Balanced by love. Eph 6:1-4

III. How long are the generations tied to each other?
A. “Honor thy father and mother” doesn’t have an age limit. Matt 7:10
B. Honor should remain, but obedience often turns to service.
C. Maturity can mean rebuilding broken relationships.

IV. Do you respect your Ultimate Parent? Malachi 1:6
A. If we can’t respect our parents, we can’t respect God.
B. Many are in rebellion against God.
C. Respect God by honoring him and obeying him.